BPA responded to the existence of this site by sending a message to the parents.

CEO Frank Ogwaro often sends out emails about “misinformation” online. His latest email on 6/28 attempted to defend some of the concerns on this website. His email is below. Here is the problem with his defense — we have proof that his staff has LOST CHECKS, and the Brown Act clearly states that any committee under the school’s Board of Directors must also follow the law. For the sake of all the children and families who rely on Baypoint, we hope Frank and his posse start telling the truth and work to right their wrongs.

For more information on the brown act:: https://publications.csba.org/california-school-news/march-2019/the-brown-act-frequently-asked-questions/#:~:text=Standing%20committees%20may%20be%20established,regardless%20of%20the%20committee's%20membership

It has been brought to our attention that the entire history of the communications from the school to parents for the past school year has been deleted on Parentsquare.