Student Concerns

The following comments are directly from students

Student 1:

I went to Baypoint for three years. The first year I had the best teachers, but then she left the school. They don't control anything. I don't think Miss Chaar even likes kids. There was no real PE and at recess we weren't even allowed to run around. I was always nervous at school because I didn't feel safe. No kids follow the rules. The worst kid in our class was ** and he had been going to Baypoint since Kindergarten. He was always bad, but last year was the worst. He always bothered me and other kids in our class. He punched a kid and didn't even get in trouble. My mom called and emailed, but nothing happened. The food was disgusting. A couple times there was mold on the lunches and one of my classmates threw up one time because he got rotten milk.

Student 2

Baypoint is like a prison. No fun, just work. We tried to play tag at lunch recess and got yelled at. I was so excited to have Miss King next year and now we heard she is not going to be there so we are leaving. I've been looking forward to having her since I started at Baypoint.